
Comments on this blog are managed via email—the only way to post/edit/delete comments is by emailing me. This isn't an automated process—I will read your email and then add it to the page if it isn't spam or otherwise inappropriate. As such, comments wlil be moderated by me and added at my leisure.

What to Include

Please make it obvious which post you're referring to. If you use the mailto: link, I should have all the information I need. If you want to edit or delete a post, I'd prefer it if you reply to your original email but as long as it's obvious what you're referring to it's fine to send a new email.

If this is your first time commenting, please include a username that your post should be listed under. Usernames must be unique (I'll email you back in the unlikely case that there's a conflict) and you must use the same username for all of your posts. There are no set restrictions on usernames but I'll be accepting them at my own discression. If no username is supplied, I'll assign you a unique anonymous name. You can update your username by emailing me and asking me to change it.

If you want your username to link to a personal website (or to a Cohost/Mastodon/etc. account), let me know. I'm only going to include it if I know who you are but I also assume that the only people posting will be people I know.

Post Formatting

You can use basic web formatting in your comments. If your email uses HTML formatting or is written in Markdown format, I'll do my best to recreate it in my post.

Alternatives to Email

If you prefer, you can mail me, or hand me a written comment in person. Just make sure all required information is present (see What to Include).