

Wow, a secret third vacation photo set. On Sunday night I discovered that it was May long, so I spent the day wandering the city and taking photos. Then I took a little while to sort through these so enjoy some bonus post-vacation photos too. Some heads up on these photos: there is a pair of photos of a giant water bug and let me tell you, that name is apt. Immediately after you'll get to see a gaggle of goslings so just push through if you don't want to see big ol' bug. Also, I saw some Cliff Swallows and I'm including photos because they're cool even if the quality of the photos is... subpar. Enjoy

A shrek sculpture carved out of wood

there were others

a hydro flag surrounded by blooming dandelions

false flag

a blur as a pigeon takes off from a streetlight that four other pigeons are sitting on

way better than my photo of the four of them

the word data written repeatedly as part of a mural on a brick wall

important to note that these are different buildings

#actions/eating #actions/flying #animals/baby/gosling #animals/bird/Swallow/Cliff #animals/bird/goose/Canada #animals/bird/pigeon #animals/insect/Giant Water Bug #animals/insect/bee/bumble #animals/insect/butterfly/Red Admiral #animals/mammal/Ground Squirrel/Flickertail #animals/mammal/cat #animals/mammal/squirrel/Eastern Grey #architecture/balcony #architecture/bridge/Winnipeg/Bridge of the Old Forts #architecture/bridge/Winnipeg/Osborne #architecture/bridge/Winnipeg/Provencher #architecture/bridge/rail #architecture/building #architecture/building/Library/Centennial #architecture/building/Millenium Centre #architecture/building/apartment #architecture/building/hotel/St. Charles #architecture/building/skyscraper #architecture/building/theatre/Garrick #architecture/fence #architecture/fence/railing #architecture/nest/bird/swallow/cliff #architecture/pillar #architecture/stairs #architecture/streetlight #architecture/window #camera/blur #camera/selfie #decay #drawing/graffiti #drawing/mural #hole #material/brick #material/concrete #material/gravel #material/metal #material/pvc #material/stone/tindle #mirror #object/bin/dumpster #object/flag/utility/Manitoba Hydro #object/manhole/cover #object/pipe #objects/toy/role play set/vanity #paths #paths/sidewalk #people/bcj #people/fictional/Shrek #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/Downtown #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/Exchange District #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/Osborne Village #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/parks/The Forks #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/trails/Assinaboine River #plants/dead/stump #plants/forb #plants/forb/dandelion #plants/grass #plants/part/flower #plants/part/seed #plants/tree #plants/tree/Crab Apple #plants/tree/cherry #plants/tree/hawthorn #reflection #shapes/circle #shapes/star #sky/cloud #statue/carving #text #text/graffiti #text/sign #unknown #water/surface/flowing/river/Assinaboine #water/surface/flowing/river/Red #water/surface/transient/puddle


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