Bees & More


Some photos from around town and then (starting at the close-up of a clematis) a bunch of close-ups from my mom's garden. Sorry to her that the flowers ended up slightly ovdershadowed by their many visitors

a yellow lily with black spots a yellow lily with black spots a dragonfly on the end of a wilted flower a dragonfly on the end of a wilted flower a dragonfly on the end of a wilted flower a dragonfly on the end of a wilted flower wooden sculptures of several cartoon characters (as well as a wizard and moose that may or may not be Bullwinkle) wooden sculptures of Shrek, a Minion, Bender, and a wizard a butterfly visiting purple flowers a butterfly visiting purple flowers a large ground squirrel on hind legs a large ground squirrel in a beam of light a ground squirrel a ground squirrel on hind legs a ground squirrel a ground squirrel a ground squirrel with grass in their mouth a ground squirrel a ground squirrel a ground squirrel yelling by the entrance to their hole a bee visiting pink-purple flowers the cables of a suspension bridge visible behind tall plants a bee flying toward some flowers a close-up of the center of a flower a bee visiting tiny white flowers a bee visiting tiny white flowers a bee on a flower an ant on a thistle a fly visiting a flower a ladybug on a flower a ladybug on a flower a bee flying toward some flowers multi-coloured flowers a pink flower a bee on flowers a bee on a flower a bee on a flower a bee on a flower a water dropelt on a leaf a water dropelt on a leaf the stalk of a plant covered in aphids white blooming flowers a bird eating a seed in a tree a bird perched in a tree a branch a bird had just perched on

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