The Device


Yesterday, while cleaning, I made an important discovery. I found a device. The device is the MULTIIMAGE x 5 filter by Cokin and associated filter mount. I had seen it in the old camera bag before, but had wrongly assumed it was a flash attachment, not a lens filter. The only lens I have that it fits is the 50mm lens on my family's old film camera but, luckily, I have an adaptor to connect that lens to my digital camera. Here are my initial attempts at shooting with a kaleidoscope filter

a black and silver metal camera on a tiny tripod. On the front of the lens is a black piece of plastic with ridged slots on either side of the lens

The filter holder, on the film camera (NB the two legs on the bottom aren't part of the filter holder. It's just a tiny tripod I'm using to shoot the camera at a better angle)

a black and silver metal camera on a tiny tripod. On the front of the lens is a black piece of plastic with ridged slots on either side. a thick, angular piece of plastic with a hole in the center is slotted in

with the MULTIIMAGE x 5 attached

a black and silver metal camera on a tiny tripod. On the front of the lens is a black piece of plastic with ridged slots on either side. a thick, angular piece of plastic with a hole in the center is partially slotted in

with the MULTIIMAGE x 5 partially detached

multicoloured lilies

the effect is strongest with the aperture fully open

multicoloured lilies

with the aperture very slightly more closed

multicoloured lilies

another step or two closer to closed

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