

Here are two different trips to the Forks and the first visit to my mom's garden for the year. Clearly, the big standout are all of the flickertail ground squirrels

pink flowers along a walking path a rail bridge viewed through trees a rail bridge visible through lush foliage mushrooms a small yellow flower a stone platform surrounded by floodwater baby flickertails peering out from their hole baby flickertails peering out from their hole looking through a hole in foliate to further trees a sparrow with ruffled feathers in a tree a sparrow perched on a branch a sparrow perched on a branch a ground squirrel by their hole a ground squirrel poking their head out of a hole a young ground squirrel a ground squirrel on their hind legs a ground squirrel on their hind legs poking out of their hole a goose eating a ground squirrel in its hole ground squirrels by their hole ground squirrels fighting ground squirrels fighting a ground squirrel emerging from their hole a ground squirrel emerging from their hole a chubby ground squirrel a ground squirrel a goose head viewed from behind a close-up of a goose a close-up of goose feathers a goose head from behind a ground squirrel a ground squirrel eating grass covered in white fluffy seeds the sun reflecing on a river a duck standing on the edge of a fountain, facing away from camera a gosling with grass-covered seed in their mouth a goose staring at the camera a fluffy white seed floating in the wind a fluffy white seed floating in the wind a plant with many small purple flowers a large woodpecker investigating a building a large woodpecker investigating a building a large woodpecker standing by a building a dandelion about to release its seeds a bee visiting a whispy flower a baby rabbit a leaf dangling from from a caterpillar's web a leaf dangling from from a caterpillar's web a tree reflected in a puddle a leaf caught in a caterpillar web a red many-petaled flower a poppy bud starting to open up a bee visiting a flower a bee visiting a flower a bee-like fly visiting a yellow flower

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