The Backlog


The day after the previous photos, I took a ton of photos of some ducklings on the way home. Well, I finally caught up on tagging those photos and the ones I took in the mean time

goslings resting on the edge of a flooded river the shadow of a bridge on a river the shadow of a bridge on a river reflections in a river as seen by the shadows it casts on a bridge geese standing by a flooded river geese standing by a flooded river geese eating by a flooded river a duckling in a river ducklings in a river ducklings in a river ducklings in a river a duckling caught up in a plant in a flooded river ducklings in a flooded river ducklings in a flooded river ducklings in a flooded river ducklings in a flooded river a duckling in a flooded river a duckling in a flooded river a duckling in a flooded river a duckling in a flooded river a duckling in a flooded river a duck in a flooded river ducklings on a flooded path ducklings on a flooded path ducklings on a flooded path a duck on a flooded path a duckling on a flooded path a duckling on a flooded path a duck on a flooded path a duck on a flooded path ducklings on a flooded path ducklings on a flooded path a close-up of a ghost trees reflected in a puddle windows on an apartment building the remains of a no parking sign that has decayed almost entirely a parking sign starting to decay the sun reflecting off a river a tree reflected in a fading puddle rusted metal bars of a gate rusted metal bars of a gate a seed in the grass an alert rabbit an alert rabbit a bee visiting tiny flowers plants growing in the cracks of a front walk a white flower a green caterpillar with subtle lighter green (yellow) stripes down the length of its body with black spines growing out of its body a green caterpillar with subtle lighter green (yellow) stripes down the length of its body with black spines growing out of its body a green caterpillar with subtle lighter green (yellow) stripes down the length of its body with black spines growing out of its body a woodpecker pecking at the wood of a plant box a woodpecker pecking at the wood of a plant box a woodpecker on a tree a woodpecker on a planter a woodpecker on a planter a woodpecker on a stump a woodpecker on a stump by a flower pot a woodpecker in a tree a path blocked by a flooded river a flooded path in the rain vines growing on a metal wall a pink flower getting ready to bloom a close-up of a purple flower with a spiny center a close-up of a purple flower with a spiny center a yellow flower small pink flowers a small pink flower a flower emerging from clam-like leaves a white flower with a dark center a red flower beginning to open a many-petalled red flower a yellow flower a pink-white flower a yellow flower a small spider on a flower a small spider on a flower a purple bellflower an orange flower an orange flower an orange flower a bee visiting a thistle trees and clouds reflected in a puddle plants visible in a droplet on a plant a droplet on a plant plants refracted in a droplet on a plant plants refracted in a droplet on a plant plants visible in a droplet on a plant plants visible in a droplet on a plant plants visible in a droplet on a plant a ground squirrel staring out from their hole
#actions/eating #animals/arachnid/spider/Crab #animals/baby/duckling #animals/baby/gosling #animals/bird/duck #animals/bird/duck/Mallard #animals/bird/goose/Canada #animals/bird/woodpecker/Pileated #animals/insect/bee #animals/insect/bee/bumble #animals/insect/butterfly/Compton Tortoiseshell #animals/insect/caterpillar/Compton Tortoiseshell #animals/mammal/Ground Squirrel/Flickertail #animals/mammal/rabbit #architecture/bollard #architecture/bridge/Winnipeg/Bridge of the Old Forts #architecture/bridge/Winnipeg/Donald St. #architecture/bridge/Winnipeg/Osborne #architecture/bridge/rail #architecture/building/apartment #architecture/gate #architecture/window #camera/blur #camera/selfie #decay #decay/rust #hole #material/brick #material/concrete #material/metal #object/flower pot #object/rock #paths #paths/sidewalk #people/bcj #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/Downtown #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/Osborne Village #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/parks/The Forks #place/Canada/Manitoba/Winnipeg/trails/Assinaboine River #plants/dead/stump #plants/forb #plants/forb/Bellflower #plants/forb/Biden #plants/forb/Clematis #plants/forb/Dahlia #plants/forb/Daisy #plants/forb/Gazania #plants/forb/Geranium/Cranesbill #plants/forb/Globe Flower #plants/forb/Osteospermum #plants/forb/Peony #plants/forb/Petunia #plants/forb/Strawflower #plants/forb/thistle/Marsh #plants/grass #plants/part/flower #plants/part/seed #plants/part/xylem #plants/shrub #plants/tree #plants/vine #plants/vine/Clematis #reflection #refraction #shadow #silhouette #sky/cloud #text/sign #unknown #water/droplet #water/surface/flowing/river/Assinaboine #water/surface/transient/flooding #water/surface/transient/puddle #water/weather/rain

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